Erasmus+ is the EU Programme in the fields of education, training, youth and sport for the
period 2019-2021. Education, training, youth and sport can make a major contribution to help
tackle socio-economic changes, the key challenges that Europe will be facing until the end of the
decade and to support the implementation of the European policy agenda for growth, jobs, equity
and social inclusion.
The Erasmus + project provide the opportunity to look beyond our country, and experience
closely the teaching methodology and the process of dissemination of knowledge in the outside
world. It has also given us the opportunity of interaction with faculty and students working in a
different environment. This experience helps to enumerate to the students the facilities and the
working environment of the outside world. It brings faculty closer to what is actually developing
in the world and makes them aware of the vast opportunity that exists for them.
The primary goal is to develop and reinforce networks, increase the capacity to operate at
transnational level, share and confront ideas, practices and methods. Selected projects may also
produce tangible outputs and are expected to disseminate the results of their activities, although
in a way that is proportional to the aim and scope of the project.
- Transnational Strategic Partnerships
- Knowledge Alliances
- Sector Skills Alliances
- Capacity-building
- IT support platforms,