Entrepreneurship is the prime pragmatic way for a student to develop and grow. Entrepreneurship and Development does not cater to any one field but is an integration of life skills in every sector.

An outlook of a college towards students' growth is defined by their development, entrepreneurship and inculcating self-dependence.

With this entrepreneurial spirit and sense of growth, Shaheed Rajguru College of Applied Sciences for Women established the Entrepreneurship Development (ED) Cell in college on 9th October 2015, inaugurated by the honorable Deputy Chief Minister, Govt. of NCT Delhi, Mr. Manish Sisodia.

ED Cell aims to inculcate, enrich and nurture the entrepreneurial environment in and around college. It aspires to do so by creating an easily accessible and exhaustive set of resources for the young entrepreneurs, which includes the students, the budding professionals and mentors.

The Cell encompasses student's involvement in various ideologies of entrepreneurship, followed by contributing in a variety of events. This myriad of activities are conducted throughout the year.

We at ED cell focus on -

  • Networking of students
  • Mentors from campus and company
  • Seeding and Investors Funding
  • Transforming the newly proposed ideas into successful start-ups

To connect students with the practicality of an entrepreneurial business, the Cell organises a plethora of workshops and inter college competitions in association with national professionals and eminent personalities. This inspires and invokes the giant potential within the students.

Entrepreneurship Development Cell tailor to the empowerment of students in the field of Entrepreneurship by introducing them to the concepts of this unique business world and making the young minds capable of taking risks, ultimately over-powering their fears and winning the challenges of life.

The most recent addition to Cell's objectives is Women Entrepreneurship. It regularly keeps a check on all the schemes introduced by the Government of India to enhance this sector.

Website:  www.ecellsrcasw1819.wordpress.com

LinkedIn:  www.linkedin.com/

Twitter:  www.twitter.com/ESrcasw?s=08

Twitter:  www.instagram.com
