Number of courses offered by the Institution across all programs during the last five years |
Number of courses offered during the last five years
Number of
Programmes offered
year wise for the
last five years |
Number of Programmes offered year wise for the last five years
Number of students
year wise during the
last five years |
Number of students year wise during last five years
Number of seats
earmarked for
reserved category as
per GOI/State Govt
rules- year wise
during the last five
Document showing Central Government reservation policy
Number of seats reserved for each program during last five years
Number of outgoing
/ final year students
year wise during the
last five years |
Number of outgoing students during the last five years
Number of outgoing students in different programs during the last five years
Number of full time
teachers year wise
during the last five
Number and list of full time teachers year wise during the last five years
Number of
sanctioned posts
year wise during the
last five years |
Official letters of sanction of posts from the statutory body during the last five years
Total number of
classrooms and
seminar halls |
List of number of classrooms and seminar hall
Geo Tagged Pictures
Total Expenditure
excluding salaryyear wise during the
last five years (INR
in Lakhs) |
Audited Statements of total expenditure excluding the salary component
Total number of
computers in the
campus for
academic purpose |
Stock register extracts/invoice copies for number of computers