Steps and Guidelines for Admission of Wards of Employees of
University of Delhi in Under-graduate Programs
- Admission to the wards of employees of University and its Colleges, both teaching and non-teaching will be done as per Academic Council resolution 9 a & b dated 27.11.2020
and subsequent amendments thereof (Section 5.6 of the Undergraduate Bulletin of Information 2021-22).
- Only wards of the University and its College employees [Permanent/Retired/Deceased Permanent (while in service)/Temporary/Ad-hoc and Contractual Staff (with three
years of service)] who have registered on the UG admission portal and opted for ward quota will be admitted based on their merit and subject to availability of seats.
- Applicants who have registered under Ward quota will additionally apply to the Colleges stating the program in which they wish to consider their candidature. Colleges
to invite online applications of the desirous candidates from 12th October to 19th October 2021 through a dedicated email id of the respective colleges.
- Colleges will verify the ward quota certificates and prepare a merit list Course-wise. Only recent ward quota certificate, issued by the respective employer (as per University
norms), bearing the name of the employee, employment status and details of the ward will be accepted. Identity Cards will not be considered as a valid document to claim
for DU Ward quota.
- Colleges to prepare separate merit lists for 8 Teaching and 8 Non-teaching seats under ward quota seats in order of preference as given below:
- Permanent Staff
- Retired Staff
- Deceased Permanent Staff (while in service)
- Temporary/Ad-hoc and Contractual Staff (with three years of service)
- The merit list of eligible candidates (external as well as internal) under ward quota shall be uploaded on the college website by 22th October 2021.
- Colleges to add 8 names for each, Teaching and non-Teaching wards, on their dashboards by 22th October 2021 for central verification and allotment.
- At a time, not more than 8 applications in the order of preference as stated in point 5
will be verified for Teaching and Non-Teaching wards respectively. This list will be
additional to the internal ward quota of the Colleges.
- Allotment of seats will be processed centrally, in the order given by the colleges and
subject to fulfilling the eligibility criteria.
- Ward Quota undergraduate admissions will commence from 25th October 2021.
Kindly send the ward quota applications for admission at